Choose a well-managed CCRC


As the CCRC ages, the likelihood of residents needing assistance or skilled nursing care also increases. Reimbursements through Medicaid are likely to come under increasing financial pressure in the years to come. No doubt, at some point such declining resources will force a number of CCRCs into bankruptcy. Choosing a CCRC with a short operating history – or better a non-profit status – will reduce the risk that your estate loses it reimbursable investment.

However the ultimate source of funds to repay your reimbursable amount will be new entrants to the CCRC. It is best to choose a CCRC with occupancy rates over 90 percent on the independent living sections of the CCRC to ensure a steady flow of future entrants into the CCRC.

At the same time, you may wish to check on the service standards on the affiliated skilled nursing facility. In California, the number of complaints (both substantiated and unsubstantiated) are provided on the website of the State’s Department of Health. You can find them here.

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